Kick-off meeting of WaterHIMAL held at IRD, France

Kick-off meeting of WaterHIMAL held at IRD, France

27 September, 2022

The kick-off meeting of WaterHIMAL (Sustainability of hydro-glaciological; WATER resources in the HIMALaya under climate and glacier changes) is successfully concluded at the Institute of Geoscience and Environment, IRD, Grenoble, France on 27th September. The meeting was attended by several researchers from partner institutions including the Central Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (CDHM), Institute of Research for Development France (IRD-France), International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), and Nepal Academy of Science and Technology.
International Joint Laboratory (IJL) WaterHIMAL is a long-term (at least 5-years) joint initiative between CDHM, IRD, ICIMOD, and NAST in order to address new research questions regarding the variability of high-mountain precipitation. In this framework, researchers from different partner organizations with different expertise work together.