Dr. Binod Dawadi
M.SC: Meteorology, Tribhuvan University
PG Diploma: Satellite Meteorology and Global Climate Change, Centre for Space Science and Technology Education in Asia Pacific (CSSTEAP) UN Affiliated
PhD: Meteorology, (Specialized in Dendroclimatology), University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing China
Central Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu Nepal
Phone: +977-1-4333887, 4331418 Email: dawadib@cdhmtu.edu.np; dawadibinod@gmail.com; binod.dawadi@cdhm.tu.edu.np
Professional Experience:
Feb 2016 ~ Present: Associate Professor, Central Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, Tribhuvan University
May 2014~ April 2016: Post Doc Researcher, Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Sept 2004~ Feb 2015: Assistant Professor, Central Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, Tribhuvan University
Research Interest: Paleoclimatology, Climate change, mitigation and adaptation
President: Association of Asian Dendrochronological Society (ADA)(2015 to 2017)
Guest Editor: Dendrochronologia (For the special Issue of 4th ADA 2015)
Editorial Board Member: Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences
Selected Publications:
- Ghimire K., Singh A., Khadka A., Shrestha D., Dawadi B., A Meteorological Analysis from the Southern Slope of Mt. Everest, Nepal. Jalawaayu, 3(1), 73–96. https://doi.org/10.3126/jalawaayu.v3i1.52069
- Dhital YP., Jia S., Tang J., Liu X., Zhang X., Pant RR., Dawadi B., Recent warming and its risk assessment on ecological and societal implications in Nepal. Environ. Res. Commun. 5 (2023) 031010 https://doi.org/10.1088/2515-7620/acc56e
- Dawadi B*., Sharma S., Reynard E, Shahi K., 2022. Climatology, Variability, and Trend of the Winter Precipitation over Nepal. Earth Systems and Environment https://doi.org/10.1007/s41748-023-00338-0
- Sigdel KP., Ghimire NP., Pandeya B., Dawadi B*.,Historical and Projected Variations of Precipitation and Temperature and Their Extremes in Relation to Climatic Indices over the Gandaki River Basin, Central Himalaya. Journal of Atmosphere. https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4433/13/11/1866)
- Dawadi B*., Shrestha A., Acharya RH., Dhital YP., Devkota R., 2022. Climate change impacts on agricultural production: A case of Rasuwa District, Nepal. Journal of Regional Sustainability Vol 3 pp 122-132. org/10.1016/j.regsus.2022.07.002
- Shrestha D., Dawadi, S. Sharma, K. Hamal (2022), Decadal drought characteristics of Mahakali River Basin, Mahakali River Basin: Understanding Environmental Changes and livelihoods, Central Department of Environmental Science, Tribhuvan University, Nepal, P. 16-37, ISBN: 978-9937-1-1387-8
- Hamal K., Ghimire SK., Khadka A., Dawadi B., Sharma S., 2022. Interannual variability of spring fire in southern Nepal. Journal of Atmospheric Science Letters, Atmos Sci Lett. 2022;e1096. DOI: 10.1002/asl.1096
- Hamal K., Sharma S., Talchabhadel R., Ali M., Dhital Y.P.,Xu TL., Dawadi B*, Trends of Diurnal Temperature Range over the southern slope of Central Himalaya: Retrospective and Prospective evaluation. Atmosphere 2021, 12, 1683. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos12121683
- Dawadi B*., Sharma S., Hamal K., Khadka N, Xu TL.,Liu XB 2021.Can the climate of high elevation along Mt Everest be represented by the lower elevation stations? Journal of Institute of Science and technology (JIST). Journal of Institute of Science and Technology, 26(2), pp99-109. org/10.3126/jist.v26i2.41549
- Sharma S., Kalpana Hamal K., Khadka N., Ali M., Subedi M., Hussain G., Dawadi B*, Projected drought conditions in Nepal using CMIP6 models. Journal of Earth Systems and Environment. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41748-021-00254-1
- Luintel N. Ma W.,Ma Y., Wang B., Xu J., Dawadi B., Mishra B., 2021. Tracking the dynamics of paddy rice cultivation practice through MODIS time series and PhenoRice algorithm. Journal of Agriculture and Forest Meteorology Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 307 (2021) 108538. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2021.108538
- Dhital YP., Dawadi B., Kattel DB, Devkota KC., 2021. Rainfall-runoff simulation of Bagmati River Basin, Nepal. JALAWAAYU, Vol.1 (1), pp61-71. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3126/jalawaayu.v1i1.36450
- Kattel DB., Mohanty A., Mirlan D., Wang WC, Mishra M.,Kulenbekov Z, Dawadi B. Evaluation of Glacial Lakes and Catastrophic Floods on the Northern Slopes of the Kyrgyz Range. Journal of Mountain Research Development Volume issue, pp R37 to R 47. https://doi.org/10.1659/MRD-JOURNAL-D-19-00068.1
- Zhu H., Huang R., Asad , Liang E., Bräuning A., Zhang X., Dawadi B., Man W., Grießinger J. 2021. Unexpected climate variability inferred from a 380‑year tree‑ring earlywood oxygen isotope record in the Karakoram, Northern Pakistan. Climate Dynamics. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-021-05736-6
- Shrestha D., Sharma S., Hamal K., Khan UJ., Dawadi B* Spatial Distribution of Extreme Precipitation Events and its Trend in Nepal. Journal of Applied Ecology and Environment 2021, Vol. 9(1) pp 58-66. DOI:10.12691/aees-9-1-8
- Dawadi B*., Acharya RH, Lamichhane D., Pudasainee S., Shrestha IK., 2020. A Short note on Climatic Linkage between Terai and Mid mountain of Central Nepal Journal of Journal of Geographical Research. Journal of Geographical Research Vol 3(4) 29 35pp. DOI: https://doi.org/10.30564/jgr.v3i4.2323
- Hamal K, Sharma S, Khadka N, Haile GG, Joshi BB, Xu TL, Dawadi B.*, 2020. Assessment of Drought impacts on crop yields across Nepal during 1987–2017. 2020. Journal of Meteorological Applications (Accepted)
- Hamal K.,Sharma S., Khadka N.,Baniya ; Ali, M.; Shrestha, M.S.; Xu, T.; Shrestha, D.; Dawadi, B* 2020.Evaluation of precipitation patterns in MERRA-2 product using gauge observation from Nepal..Hydrology7(3), 40.doi.org/10.3390/hydrology7030040
- Pokharel AP, XU TL., Liu XB, Dawadi B., 2020.Dynamics of muddy rain in Nepal on June 15, 2018. Journal of Atmosphere, doi:10.3390/atmos11050529
- Pandey, Sigdel SR., Lu X., Salerno F., Dawadi B., Liang E., Camarero JJ., 2020.Early growing-season precipitation drives radial growth of alpine juniper shrubs in the central Himalayas .GEOGRAFISKA ANNALER: SERIES A, PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY Vol 102 (3) pp.317-330 https://doi.org/10.1080/04353676.2020.1761097
- Lamichhane, Dawadi B.*,Acharya RH., Pudasainee S., Shrestha IK., 2020.Observed Trends and Spatial Distribution in Daily Precipitation Indices of Extremes over the Narayani River Basin, Central Nepal. Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences, vol. 8, (3) pp.106-118.
- Sigdel, Liang E., Wang Y.,Dawadi B., Camarero JJ., 2020.Tree-to-tree interactions slow down Himalayan treeline shifts as inferred from tree spatial patterns. Journal of Biogeography. DOI: 10.1111/jbi.13840
- Chhetri TB., Dhital YP., Tandong Y., Devkota LP., Dawadi B.*, 2020.Observations of heavy rainfall and extremeflood events over Banke-Bardiyadistricts of Nepal in 2016–2017.Progress in Disaster Science 6, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pdisas.
- Chhetri TB., Dawadi B., Dhital YP., 2019. Detection of a Tornado event on March-31(2019) and its effects on the Eastern part of Nepal” Indian Journal Science and Technology, Vol 12(38), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2019/v12i38/146311
- Poudyal K, Dawadi B.,Devkota LP., 2019. Assessment of Climate Change and People’s Perception on Climate Change and its Impacts in Solu khola Catchment of the Mt. Everest Region of Eastern Nepal. Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 2019, Vol. 7, No. 6, 206-215
- Dhital YP., Dawadi B., Devkota KC., 2019.Study on Flood Hydrology and its hazard minimization in Bagmati River Basin Nepal. Proceeding of International Scientific Youth Conference (Peer Reviewed). ISBN 978-9937-0-6125 4 p 373-384
- Devkota KC., Dawadi B., Dhital YP., 2019.Transboundary Flood Early Warning System in Nepal. Proceeding of International Scientific Youth Conference.(Peer Reviewed) ISBN 978-9937-0-6125 4 p 237-240
- Fayaz A.,Dawadi B., Zhu H., 2019. Dendroclimatic reconstruction of June- September mean maximum temperature from Hindu Kush region of northern Pakistan. Proceeding of International Scientific Youth Conference(Peer Reviewed). ISBN 978-9937-0-6125 4 p 152-160
- Rai S., Dawadi B.,Wang Y., Lu X., Ru H.,Sigdel SR.,2019.Growth response of Abiesspectabilisto climate along an elevation gradient of the Manang valley in the central Himalayas. Journal of Forest Research, doi.org/10.1007/s11676-019-01011-x
- Liang E., Dawadi B.,Pederson N., Piao S., Zhu H., Sigdel SR., Chen D., 2019. Strong link between large tropical volcanic eruptions and severe droughts prior to monsoon in the central Himalayas revealed by tree-ring records. Science Bulletin,64:1018–1023.
- Wang Y., Liang E., Dawadi B., Camarero J.J., Sigdel S.R., Sylvester S., Lu X., , 2019.The stability of spruce treelines on the eastern Tibetan Plateau over the last century is explained by pastoral disturbance. Forest Ecology and Management, 442: 34–45.
- Lu X. ,Sigdel SR., Dawadi B,Wang Y., 2019. Climatic responses of alpine willow growth along a latitude gradient in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Dendrobiology, 81: 14–21
- Ru, Zhu H.,Dawadi B., GreiBinger J., Burning A., 2019. High-elevation shrub-ring δ18O in the northern slope of central Himalaya record summer (May-July) temperature. Journal of Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology,524:230–239
- Wang Y., Case B, Rossi S., Dawadi B,Liang E., Ellison A.M., 2019. Frost controls spring phenology of juvenile Smith fir along elevational gradients on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. International Journal of Biometeorology, 63: 963–972.
- Bhusal P, Aryal P.C., Bhatta S, Chauhan R, Dawadi B Assessment of Carbon Stock and its Relationship with Species Richness and Disturbance in Community Forests of Kayarkhola Watershed, Central Nepal. Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 7: 21-27
- Sigdel S.R.,Dawadi B., Camarero J.J., Liang E., Leavitt S.W., 2018. Moisture-limited tree growth for a subtropical Himalayan conifer forest, western Nepal. Forests 2018, 9, 340.
- Bhatta S., Dhamala M.K., Aryal P.C., Chauhan R., Dawadi B*., 2018. Climate Variability and Associated Response of Larix Griffithii in Kanchenjunga Conservation Area of Nepal. Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 6: 23-30.
- Dawadi B., 2017. Climatic records and linkage along an altitudinal gradient in the southern slope of Nepal Himalaya. Journal of Nepal Geological Society, 53: 47-56.
- Shrestha A.K. & Dawadi B, Study on Drought of Gorkha District and Its Impact on Agricultural Production. Journal of Environment Science, 3:138-143.
- Pourtahmasi K., Zhang, Q B., Dawadi B., Asian Dendrochronology Association (ADA) 2015. Dendrochronology, 41: 1-1.
- Speer JH., Bräuning A., Zhang, Q B., Pourtahmasi K., Gaire N P., Dawadi B.,Rana P., et al. 2017. Pinus roxburghii stand dynamics at a heavily impacted site in Nepal: Research through an educational fieldweek. Dendrochronologia, 41: 2-9.
- Lu X, Huang R, Wang Y, Dawadi B,Liang E, Camarero JJ. 2016. Summer temperature drives radial growth of alpine shrub willows on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 48: 461–468.
- Lu X, Huang R, Wang Y, Dawadi B,Liang E, Camarero JJ. 2016. Summer temperature drives radial growth of alpine shrub willows on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 48(3): 461–468
- Liang E., Liu W., Ren P., Dawadi B.,Eckstein D., 2015. The alpine dwarf shrub Cassiope fastigiata in the Himalayas: does it reflect site-specific climatic signals in its annual growth rings? Trees 29:79–86
- Liang E, Dawadi B,Pederson N, Eckstien D., 2014. Is the growth of birch at the upper timberline in the Himalayas limited by moisture or by temperature? Journal of Ecology Ecology, 95(9), 2014, pp. 2453–2465
- Dawadi B., Paleoclimatic studies from the tree-ring of Himalayan birch from Langtang National park, central Nepal. Journal of Nepal Geological Society, Vol. 46: 191-198
- Dawadi, B.,Liang E, Lide T, Yao T, and Devkota L.P. 2013. Pre-monsoon precipitation signal in tree rings of timberline Betulautilis in the central Himalayas, Quatenary International 283:72-77.
- Dawadi, B., Tree-ring from Central Nepal: Indicator of South Asian paleo-drought. Bulletin of Nepal Geological Society, Vol. pp29, 59-60.
- Wang Y., Li X., Dawadi B.,Eckstien D., Liang E. 2012. Phenological variation in height growth and needle unfolding of Smith fir along an altitudinal gradient on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Trees 27 (2):401-407pp
- Liu B, Li Y, Eckstein D, Zhu L, Dawadi B,Liang E., 2012. Has an extending growing seasonany effect on the radial growth of smith fir at the timberline on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau? Trees 27 (2):441-446pp
- Dawadi, B.,Liang E, Lide T, Yao T, and Devkota LP. 2011. Dendro Climatic potentiality of Birch ( Betulautilis) from the high hill of Central Himalaya Nepal. Second International Asian Dendrochronological conference proceeding of Abstract, p56.
- Dawadi, B.,Kattel D. B., Dhital Y. P., 2011. Relationship between climate change and socio-natural activities in Nepal: Tourism perspective. International workshop on Climate Change and Sustainable management of water resources in the Asia-Pacific region. Abstract p66.
- Lamsal K., Aryal M., Poudel S., Dawadi B., Devkota L. P., 2011. Building Resilience of Farmers from Climate Change Impacts in Chinnebas, Kyakmi and Sekham VDCs of Syangja District. Understanding climate change impact in Nepal: Some case studies (FP Neupane&DR Bhuju edits) Published by Nepal climate change knowledge management centre, Nepal Academy of science and technology,(NCCKMC, NAST). ISBN:2-4087-1, page 43-51